Our Approach

Our approach to high school counseling recognizes and celebrates that there is no typical CDS graduate. Every student has different strengths and every family has different priorities and so we focus on tailoring our process to acknowledge and respect that. Our job is to see the child in front of us and seek out high school choices that will challenge and support them appropriately.

CDS has always viewed the high school search and application process as a team effort. Primary responsibility for the process rests with the eighth-grade students and their parents. However, CDS has a comprehensive program designed to help your family navigate the high school search and application process. Administrators and faculty experienced in the process are here to support and assist your child and your family. However, they do not “place” your child in a high school. Admission to high school in San Francisco is competitive, and at the end of the day, the high schools themselves determine to whom they will offer admission.

The CDS high school team consists of:

  • High School Transition Counselor Amanda Richard, amandar@cds-sf.org
  • Middle School Director
  • Head of School
  • Eighth Grade Humanities Teacher
  • Seventh/Eighth Grade Math Teacher

Amanda Richard is the point person for the CDS team, so she is the person to contact first if you have questions or concerns. In the spring, Amanda will contact you to arrange a one-on-one meeting to discuss the application process and answer any questions. In addition, Amanda will meet one-on-one with your child to begin to get to know your child better.

High School Class

In the fall, all eighth-graders will participate in a class dedicated to the high school process. This class is designed to support your child and may include:

  • Check-ins with each student as needed
  • Discussions about the high school application process designed to provide emotional support for your child as well as guidance for behavior during school visits and interviews (how to be yourself, proper body language, etc.)
  • Classroom time dedicated to writing parts of the application. Use of this time wisely has proven to be critical to managing the application process.
  • Interview practice

Parent and School Responsibilities

Parent Responsibilities

  • Providing stability and support for your child
  • Reassuring your child, especially during high-stress times such as testing dates, application deadlines, and decision dates
  • Researching school options with your child
  • Helping your child make realistic choices
  • Helping your child arrange visits/shadow days
  • Guiding your child in completing applications
  • Writing the parent essay for independent and parochial school applications
  • Registering your child for standardized tests and ensuring CDS receives test results
  • Preparing your child for visits/interviews
  • Informing front desk staff and reminding your child to inform teachers when they will be absent for school visits
  • Helping to keep your child organized and on schedule
  • Providing timely and accurate information to the CDS high school team
  • Providing timely and accurate information to high school admission personnel
  • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Applying for financial aid if needed
  • Being ambassadors for CDS
  • Asking for help when needed

CDS High School Team Responsibilities

  • Providing guidance and support to students and families
  • Meeting with parents to explain the application process to help them set realistic high school choices
  • Meeting individually with all eighth graders to discuss the high school application process
  • Meeting individually with all parents/guardians to discuss the high school application process
  • Providing timely information about high school application process
  • Establishing relationships with high school admissions personnel
  • Visiting high schools and promoting the CDS program and students
  • Coordinating teacher recommendations and transcript requests
  • Providing information to high school admissions personnel
  • Advocating for students
  • Maintaining confidentiality

We know that the start of the high school search and application process can feel daunting, but we are here to help. We also want to make sure that none of us lose sight of the fact that eighth grade is a wonderful time for your child and your family, and we want your child’s culminating year at CDS to be intellectually challenging, memorable – and fun!