
The Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT)

NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the independent schools in the Bay Area and some boarding schools have become more flexible on standardized testing requirements. Currently, most of the Bay Area independent schools are test-free or test-optional. The testing requirements for the 2024-2025 application have not yet been been decided upon. The information below assumes schools will require testing. The High School Transition Counselor will advise families as soon as there is a decision. This does not apply for the HSPT as that is still required.

As part of the application process, many independent high schools require applicants to take the SSAT, a standardized test developed by the SSAT Board. 

There are several options for test preparation:

  • Every student who registers for the SSAT will have access to the organization’s online practice portal.
  • There are a number of readily-available test prep books, which include practice tests, as well as online test prep resources.
  • Consider purchasing Test Innovators online testing practice portal to begin test prep in the summer.
  • There are several outside organizations that offer SSAT preparation. CDS is most familiar with One Smart Kid, Nurturing Wisdom, Tutor Corps, and C2.

There are two types of SSAT tests: standard tests and flex tests. Standard tests are offered on specific dates, usually once a month, nationwide throughout the testing season of September through June. Flex tests can be administered on any date except a standard test date and are usually administered by a school, an access organization, or other placement groups. Students may take more than one national test but can only take one flex test.

If necessary, CDS may offer the SSAT as a flex test to eighth graders in late October or early November. Only CDS eighth graders participate in this test; it is not open to non-CDS students. Please note that if your child is part of the SMART Program, Breakthrough SF, or A Better Chance, those organizations may also offer a flex test. Your child can only take one flex test, so please consult with Amanda Richard to determine which test your child should take. We will provide more information about the CDS SSAT flex test in the summer and fall, including the process for requesting special accommodations if your child has a diagnosed learning difference.

Some parents have their child take the national test in addition to the flex test. If parents choose to have their child take the national test, parents are responsible for registering their child for the national test. 

The national tests fill up quickly and there are only a handful of local test sites. Registration for national tests typically opens on August 1. If you are registering your child for a national test, please do so as soon as possible. Choices of dates and test sites, especially for students that need testing accommodations, quickly become limited.

If you do register your child for a national test, please designate CDS as your child’s score advisor and score recipient, which will enable us to view your child’s test scores. Our code is 2378.

The High School Placement Test (HSPT)

As part of the application process, Catholic high schools require applicants to take the HSPT, a standardized test developed by Scholastic Testing Service (STS). A few Catholic schools, such as Stuart Hall High School, will accept either the HSPT or the SSAT, but most Catholic schools accept only the HSPT. Students may take the HSPT only once. You can designate which schools you want to receive the test results.

Like with the SSAT, there are test prep books and online resources as well as outside organizations that offer HSPT preparation.

Parents are responsible for registering their child for the HSPT when completing the application. The parochial high schools will post information on their websites, include information in their application or email applicant families about the process of registering for the HSPT, as well as information about requesting special accommodations for diagnosed learning differences. The HSPT is usually held in December, and is offered only once per year.